Friday, July 24, 2009


I hate people who try to defend that which is, in my estimation, patently wrong.  I am talking about the right wing population of our country, the über conservative faction of America that proudly carries the torch of Christian values, of family values, of moral values, of values that necessitate condemnation of those who want room to think for themselves, and to live their life with the  freedom that the country was, supposedly, created to achieve.

As history is held up to the light of day, we can see that freedom was, to our fore"fathers", a freedom that was comfortable for them.  Our constitution gave these self-proclaimed morally upright men the opportunity to use people with impunity; that is, people who weren't really people.  The native American,.The African-American. American woman, no matter the race.  

I know it is an anti-spiritual concept to harbor feelings of hate.  And I really try not to, but as time after time we see our government slap our unalienable rights to the ground, this government that is supposed to be of the people, by the people and for the people -- all people, not the chosen few -- I can't help feel my ire rise and my hate mechanism rear its ugly head as I ask what it's going to take to get to the point where these people who quickly judge and condemn will allow the "different", the disenfranchised, the wonderful ones left behind in the dust, to be allowed to live their own life on their own terms.

I am disappointed and disillusioned with my country and I can't in any way defend it’s practices.  Perhaps if we hadn't been lied to from the git-go; if we hadn't been led to believe that freedom was a right available to everyone, then the lie might not hurt so much.  But our entire lives have been spent thinking our country was based upon this premise of freedom, and it has been the big untruth.  The big illusion.  The big, convenient falsehood that has allowed the white, heterosexual, Christian male of this country to manipulate us and decide what’s best for us.  Us, the different, the disenfranchised, the wonderful ones that have some individuality and who walk to a slightly different beat.  These are the ones who will always fight for freedom. Freedom, in the true sense of the word, for all.   This is what I will defend and fight for.  And then America will be, in fact, what America, to date, has merely claimed to be.  And we will all be free.

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